Migration Seminars

Attendees always leave our seminars with full awareness of what to expect before, during and after migration procedures, and how to start a new life.

Settlement Services

Our Settlement Services are designed to help newcomers to settle and adjust to a new life in Canada. They are often free or low-cost, and always confidential.


We are helping political asylum seekers, female asylum seekers, religious groups, or those who are eligible to apply for humanitarian and compassionate grounds.

Work in canada

We are happy to introduce you to our project "JobMatch" - your Information Guide to navigate a labour market in Canada. The main goal is to help people with their future/ongoing PR (Permanent Residency) applications.

Donate for the cause

We are helping people with their migration issues in order for them to reach their desired destination and settle in a new environment safely. If you like our mission and want to support us in our daily actions, feel free to donate here. Today's donation can make a difference for either one person, or one family, or the whole community somewhere in the world.